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What parents think

The first cuddle parent's have with their baby is an emotional moment. It is normal to feel apprehensive before having the first cuddle. These are some of the comments from current parents on the neonatal unit about having their first cuddle or skin to skin with their baby. 

'I felt relieved after having a cuddle'

'I felt over the moon'

'It was emotional'

'I was worried about the lines and tubes'

'It improved my milk supply'

'I didn't want to regret never having had a cuddle'

'I was stressed about coming onto the neonatal unit, this all changed after having a cuddle'


Babies benefiting from cuddles with their parents...

New parents Claire and Matt talk about what it's like having a baby on the NICU and why they really value having skin-to-skin contact with their son.


Video courtesy of Derriford Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

If you would like to share your story or a picture of your first cuddle please get in touch at


In affiliation with the South West Cuddle Bundle and the South West Neonatal Network
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